Name: sdh
From: dfh
Time: 21:26
Date: Nov 10, 1997
Question: What was the prize money given at this years WSM?
Answer: Manfred Hoeberl informed me that the proze money was about
$25,000 (U.S.) or 11,000 pounds (U.K.).
Name: sdh
From: sdh
Time: 16:12
Date: Nov 11, 1997
Question: Any word yet on where next years WSM will be held?
Answer: I've heard rumors about South Beach, Florida for the U.S. Heats, and Australia for the International
heats and final, but it's not confirmed in any way. It's generally not made definite until the about June of the year it's being held.
Name: Spencer McKnight
From: Missouri, USA
Time: 17:17
Date: Nov 11, 1997
Question: I am very interested in competing in the United States Strongest Man contest, I am a Jr. National Champion and Jr. American record holder for drug free powerlifting.
My lifts are squat=725, bench=475, deadlift=600, I'm 6' and weigh 285, I have an extensive background in track and field, placing 10th at NCAA Nationals, as well as being extensively involved in the Highland Games.
My question is how do I go about getting into the United States Strongest Man contest?
Answer: As far as I know, in order to compete in national strongman contests, you must be invited. I have two suggestions: first, just
continue to do as well as you've been doing, and you may be invited. Second, ask around at any competitions you're involved in. The organizers at those competitions may very well be able to provide you with other help in making it to the national contests.
Name: Craig Smith
From: United States, Cincinnati, Ohio
Time: 23:26
Date: Nov 11, 1997
Question: Where were the guys like Magnus, Riku, and Gerrit at for the 1997 WSM? Did they not compete or just not make
it through the heats? I would find it hard to believe that they didn't make the finals.
Answer: All three competed in the heats, but none of them made the final. It was said that Riku had
an injury of some sort, and Magnusson told me personally that his back was sore. But there has been discussion that the contest organizers
wanted fresh faces because these three men have been too dominant in recent years. Bill Kazmaier explained his opinion on this in the interview
I had with him.
In fact, upon examination of the heats in which Magnusson, Kiri, and Badenhorst took part this year, one
can conclude that they were arranged to favor the other competitors. For example, Kiri's specialty is pure power. He was placed in a heat with events that
involved speed and skill against competitors whose specialty was speed and skill, not pure power.
Name: JC Bruce
From: Florida
Time: 10:30
Date: Nov 12, 1997
Question: I am DEEPLY disturbed by what I read in the Kazmaier interview and would like any clarification you can shed. He came right out and said he was not invited for 5 years after having won it 3 times in a row because they wanted "fresh faces".
How could the defending champ NOT be invited? I had always assumed he was hurt or lost interest. These contests should be strictly invitations to the best from each country without regard to anything other than there abilities.
To be a credible event and to continue to draw fans the organizers had BETTER keep this thing an ATHLETIC contest (not a stage show). If they don't I will guarantee them it will die on the vine. What do you think?
Answer: I totally agree. I was completely surprised when Kaz told me the truth about his absence from the competition. It's especially confusing to me why this would happen because
as far as I could tell, about three quarters of the people at the 1997 WSM were there to see Magnusson, Kiri, and Bedenhorst (myself included). When the guys who draw the crowds are kept out of the competition,
it's certainly not going to do any good for the sport. This sport needs a guy like Magnusson to generate an interest if it's ever going to get the recognition it deserves.
Name: Derek
From: Las Vegas
Time: 19:33
Date: Nov 12, 1997
Question: From what I have been reading on this website, and from what I saw in person at the 1997 WSM, it is pretty clear that the organizers of the WSM are concerned only with the finished product (a television show meant to make a buck)
and not the competitors or the fans. The producer for TWI even came up to me at the competition and told me to put my signs (in support of the various strongmen) away. To what do you attribute this lack of respect for the competition, and do you think
at any time this will change or will another competition emerge that is true to the athletes, fans, and the sport?
Answer: The more I learn about the organization of WSM, the more I wish I could run it myself. I really have no idea why it's so disorganized and there are so many obvious problems with it.
I don't know if it will ever change, but if the organizers ever want it to grow, they better consider making some alterations.
Name: Derek
From: Las Vegas
Time: 19:34
Date: Nov 12, 1997
Question: What is Phillipa's (the female BBC announcer) phone number?
Answer: Wouldn't we all like to know?
Name: Justin McShane
From: USA
Time: 20:41
Date: Nov 12, 1997
Question: It seems to me that a lot of people in this world agree that the WSM Competition now a days is not for the atheletes but is for the producers and the advertizers. Maybe it is time for action. Maybe you should draft a letter to the organizers telling them that the fans and the atheletes matter the most. I garuntee you that if you did this and placed it on the internet, you would get thousands of responses and signatures. What do you think? It certainly could not hurt.
Answer: I think it could be a good idea... if there was enough agreement from the fans it could make a difference. If you think it's a good idea, send me e-mail. If I get a good amount, I may start it up.
Name: Derek
From: Las Vegas
Time: 20:28
Date: Nov 12, 1997
Question: First off Bill, you're doing a great thing by having this as a Q&A forum for all of us WSM fans. I would like to know who organizes the regional strongman competitions (Europe's Strongest Man or the US Strongman finals, for instance). Perhaps if they are managed separately from the WSM competition, then we can seek help from these people for possible reforms to the WSM competition.
Answer: As far as I know, the majority of the contests worldwide are headed by the IFSA (International Federation of Strength Athletes). Doug Edmunds, the WSM referee, is the IFSA president,
and Manfred Hoeberl is the vice-president.
Name: "shane" aka Ironhorse
From: seattle, wa
Time: 17:22
Date: Nov 13, 1997
Question: This is an obvious question. But, why isn't some other governing body or television producers involved in this event?
It's so hard even to watch the reruns of these great events on ESPN or ESPN2. These events and strongmen are extremely marketable for advertisers,
what better than strength? Where are they?
Answer: As I've said before, I don't know why the competition is run the way it is. Someone needs to realize that the United States is a potentially fantastic market for these strongman events.
If marketed properly, they could easily gain a lot more recognition.
Name: Rob Sheldon
From: Greenwich, NY
Time: 18:46
Date: Nov 13, 1997
Question: How about including some amateur strongman upcoming events on your page? I'm sure people would like to know where they can go to compete.
Answer: If I could get the info about where and when the amateur events are being held, I'd post it. Unfortunately, I don't have a source for that information right now.
If anyone knows where I can get these kind of updates, let me know.
Name: BRAD
Time: 02:31
Date: Nov 14, 1997
Question: What ever happened to Sigmarsson? I heard a rumor from a friend that he died. If so, could you let me know when and how?
Answer: Sadly, Jon Pall Sigmarsson died on January 16, 1993 of a massive heart attack while deadlifting in the gym. His family had a history of
heart problems, and his genetics caused him to develop an aneurysm in his aorta, which burst under stress.
Name: Elco Kroek
From: The Netherlands
Time: 06:09
Date: Nov 14, 1997
Question: Can anyone supply me with a contact address of Riku Kiri? I'd like to get in contact with him, because to my opinion (based on pure strength and his previous performances in Europe) he should have been crowned the current reigning champion: WSM 1997!
Answer: I don't have a contact address for him personally, but it may be possible to obtain it from Jouko Ahola. Contact info for Jouko can be found on his webpage, at